Method and Techniques Flower Arrangement for Beginners

Utilizing a time gap with floral design activities to be one attractive option. Although the socialite in today is not so interested in the creation of flower arranging, but that does not mean this event is out of style. Flower arranging activity may be one interesting hobby and can also be a source of fortune generate alias, not a few people who need the services of flower arrangement, good coupling relationship for decoration on the table, to decorate the room decor for an event.

Flower arranging hobby can be an alternative to fill the vacant time

Relationship has become an instrument perfect complement to give the impression of a beautiful, character and peace for all conditions, for example in your living room, providing some of his own creations vase relationship would be nice outlook.

Well, for those who are interested to practice, the following we present some ways and techniques of arranging flowers;

1. Prepare and Cut Flower Section
Prepare flowers that will be assembled and make sure that every flower has been to cut out at least at the base of the leaf. This allows the leaves to not interfere with the water in the vase, so it helps to keep the flowers to keep them fresh. Cut the flowers with oblique way up or down, it is possible that the interest would receive adequate nutrition.

2. Selecting the Right Flower Vase
Flowers with a smaller size tends to look attractive when using short and rather large vase. While interest with a larger size will look more elegant by using a higher vase. But in this case you can still cut the flowers with the appropriate length as your taste.

3. Clean the circuit Flower Vase
Make sure you use a vase that would have been cleaned of residue rinsed manner. If you are to use it's a vase made of glass, then you can also add a variety of media in it, such as sand, gravel, or glass beads at the bottom of the vase. This is done to support the flower stems membantuk and also to give the feel of a very interesting arrangement flower arrangements will be made.

4. Fill the vase with room-temperature water
Strive to fill a vase with warm water, or at least room temperature. This meant that the flowers are still blooming bud quickly, and still fresh and long lasting.

5. Flower Arranging Appropriate size
In flower arranging, then Seek to interest bigger and more dominant most first must be a priority for the chain. Try to place flowers at different angles to make the most of each shape and provide a balanced look settings. You then have to add the little flowers and eventually leaves to fill the gap and highlight the color combination of these settings.

That's the way the stages of flower arrangement that you can implement to beautify your home room atmosphere. Good luck ...

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